Normal People & Making Money Online Don’t Go Together

I've been in it long enough to know that most people will fail their whole life at making money online and being in business for themselves. Let's just lay the problem out right now in this intro...because there are are two problems: Most people aren't willing to work hard enough to succeed (they are lazy) and they literally just don't "get it." Problem 1) You Aren't Willing To Do The Work If you are the kind of person that quits when you are tired, shows up at 9:15 for a 9:00 AM job and can't even perform a simple act of discipline such as making your bed then you should just stop reading. Laziness will…

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Leveraging The 80/20 Rule

The easiest things to do are usually not the things that will produce results for you. We have many choices in a day; choices to make in relationships, choices to make with our money, and choices to make in business. The astonishing fact is that most people know EXACTLY what it takes to succeed yet are only willing to do the same thing that they did yesterday. This does not allow for growth and you really restrict yourself from actually acheiving the things that you want. I consider myself to be someone of a consistent master at leveraging the 80/20 rule as I have found my income to consistently go up month after month. What…

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The Journey As An Entrepreneur

If you are popular, always in the crowd, used to things working out, or getting paid by the hour, fuck you this post isn't for your bitch ass. Entrepreneur is a term often used to describe someone that has ideas; people use the term too much. Let me tell you what a real entrepreneur is, because the feelings are all too familiar for those of us who have "made it" and forged our own path in life.  I am going to begin with my story and how I came to be where I am today...and I am sure I will look back at this post years or even months from now and tell myself, "you…

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